Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Posting Comments

Many wonderful fans have emailed with questions or problems related to posting comments. Apparently my hyper-security-sensitive choices for 'settings' was making it difficult for people to post. I frankly had no idea anyone other than me would have so much to say on here, but love that is the case. I believe I have now broadened the scope of who can post comments to include anyone who is a registered fan of this site. Please try to post a comment, and email me to let me know if you are still running into problems. Anyone registered with the blog should be able to post, if I've made the changes I intended to. I love that so many of you have sought to comment, and hope the blog continues to be something everyone feels proud of.


  1. OK, NOW its working - apparently there was one more button I needed to hit to get the comments up there... thanks for hanging in there!

  2. Good luck on the game tonight! All good wishes will be coming your way from LA.
