running for Joe. Cal bunts - bases loaded. Justin single, score Aaron.
Tyler strike out. Juan Carlos walks, run scores. MJ walks - great at
bat - scores Luke. Gabriel GRAND SLAM over center field. Pitching
Change. Dahlen walks. Aaron walks. Joe walks - another great at-bat.
Cal wears it - scores Dahlen. Pitching change. Justin hits into a
double (3, 3-2).
pc:3, third pitcher
FP: Batter hit, takes first. Single to right. Out (9). Bunt single
scores one, runners on 1st and 3rd. Strike out. Out (3)
pc: 31
8-3, US!
Sent from World Headquarters.
What an inning! Go go GO guys! Fellow Napa/Tahoe shops are checking in for updates!