Monday, July 19, 2010

Its always a team effort

I have been thinking of writing a quick post about this for several games now, and Cal's great play to score the go-ahead run against Petaluma National turns out to be not only an amazing play, but a great example of what may go unnoticed in my blog coverage.

For those of you following from afar, it is hard for me to completely capture the substitutions and rotations that happen among all the players throughout the game.  While I try to capture who is on the field in which position at the start, that certainly ebbs and flows throughout the game - as do hitters and runners when we are on offense.  There are several boys on this team who in some games play only one or two innings with only one or two at-bats.  This is a function of both the great depth we have on the team, and the fact that certain particular abilities are best used at key moments, and therefore are kept in reserve for those times.

In the Petaluma game, Hayden - at his only at bat in the game - came in to start us off at the top of the fifth and hit much a needed and solidly delivered single up third base. Cal was brought in to pinch run for him.  Next up, Tyler, in his first at-bat of the game, executed a great sac bunt to advance Cal, and finally Juan Carlos roped the double that gave Cal the shot at home plate.  That Hayden and Tyler could both deliver when we needed it, late in the game and on their first at-bat, is testament to their skill and their understanding of the team roles.  Every one of the boys on this team makes a contribution every game.  While my coverage here on the blog tends to spotlight only one or two things a game, I wanted to make sure I took a moment to acknowledge the deep team effort we see every game.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Jen....nicely said! (and not just because you covered my boy). This team is very unique in the amount of talent that we have and they are all utilized at key times by the coaches to give us that edge. Keep up the great work Jen! This is really a fantastic thing you are doing for family and friends that can't make it! Also, it is something that we can save and print for our boys, so they can look back on this experience of a lifetime! Thanks again!
